EDHM-UI | Elite Dangerous Hud Mod

Welcome to EDHM + UI

The Last Orange you will see.

Elite Dangerous HUD Mod (EDHM)

Is a mod created by CMR GeorjCostanza @psychicEgg
EDHM enables precise color changes to almost any element on the HUD without the annoying side-effects of the XML method.
The mod is an application of the shader modding software 3Dmigoto, and is therefore only available on PC.

It also functions to change the cabin lighting to any color, or even bi-color if you prefer.
We've also dimmed some of the dashboard lights that shine directly in your face, to reduce eye fatigue.


EDHM_UI is the User Interface for EDHM, it's developed by @Blue Mystic.

To use EDHM by itself, you will need to manually edit complex configuration files.
That is not suitable for the average user, so 'Blue Mystic' with the permission of the author of EDHM, had created an user interface program for EDHM.

Current Features Include:

  • Allowing the user to change all options using a simple graphical interface.
  • Bundled with the latest EDHM version - no need to install EDHM separately.
  • Bundled with lots of pre-made, community-contributed themes.
  • Fully compatible with both Horizons and Odyssey!
  • Available as Open Source at the GitHub Page

Why Us

Why Choose Our Mod


Easy Installation

EDHM-UI has an Installer program very easy to use.



EDHM let you customize the color of almost any HUD element.


No More Oranges

With over a Hundred custom color themes you wont see an Orange anymore, uless you really want to.

How To

Install EDHM-UI

Download EDHM-UI Setup Program

EDHM_UI comes shipped with the latest EDHM available version (means that you ONLY need to download the UI to have BOTH) and a lot of Color themes made by the community.

You can Download EDHM-UI latest Installer from:

Close the Game Before Starting the Installation

Rule NÂș 1 of Modding any Game:

Close the game before installing or updating ANY mods.

This is because the Mod must touch certain files that are used Exclusively by the game.

If the game is running, the Mod will not install correctly, so... Close the Game.

First Run

The very first time the UI launches, it will prompt you to provide the path to the Game folders.

You can set the paths in two ways:

  • Manually (for advanced Users) by either copy/pasting the full path into the text box or clicking the [...] buttons to find the game's executable.
  • Automatically, by clicking that Green 'Assistant' button and following it's instructions.

Will save yourself a lot of headaches if you just click the Green Button and do as it say.

Get Support

EDHM has a great and friendly Community that together with our Moderators and Administrators will help you solve any problems you may have.

We invite you to Join our Discord and be part of the EDHM Community.

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How To

Use Color Themes

Select a Theme

The easiest way to start is by selecting one of the many Custom Color Themes made and shared by the EDHM Comunity.

To accomplish this, do as follows:

  • Click on any Theme on the List.
  • Click on the 'Apply Theme' button.
  • Alt + Tab to the Game and hit the F11 key.

The [F11] is a binding key installed by EDHM, it will be used to refresh any Changes you make.

F11 Key

Manage the Themes

EDMH comes with a lot of themes, and not all of them may be of your taste, that's fine.

You can set any theme as a 'Favorite' and by Switching a button you can filter to see only your Favorites.

You can also Import and Export Themes, but on every Update of the UI program any newly shared theme will be included, so you wont be in need to import anything.

We would talk about 'Exporting' themes a bit later.

Previewing Themes

All themes have a 'Thumbnail' image that is displayed in the Themes List, that should give you an idea of how a theme looks.

But, in adition, all themes have a 'Big Preview' image that you can see by:

  • Right Click on any Theme on the List.
  • Click on the 'Theme Preview' menu.
  • The Image will be shown in your Default Web Browser.

How To

Customize the HUD Elements

Customizing HUD Elements

Are you Familiar with the Mod already?

If so, then you are ready to make your Own changes to the Game Hud Elements.

The UI program Groups the many different moded elements into Tiles that are shown on the Left side of the Window

You can Click on any of these Tiles and all the Settings will be shown in the Right side, the Details Panel.

Details Panel

There are Different kinds of Settings that you can Customize to make the game look exactly as you want.

  • Combo Elements: You can Pick One of a few Options.
  • Color Elements: You can Choose ANY Color you like.
  • Slider Elements: Used to control the Brightness or Transparency of many Elements.

Click on the Left side of any element to Select it, its description will be shown at the Bottom.

Mouse Over any element to reveal it's description and sometimes see a preview of the Element.

Color Picker

The UI program has an advanced color picker that will let you pick any color you want.

By default it has 2 Color Palettes:

  • Personalized: Will show All colors used in the current Theme.
  • Standard: Will show a set of Standard Colors to choose from.

Click the More Colors button to show the advanced RGB color picker.

Apply your Changes

If you want to see your changes in game you will have to Apply them first.

Click on the Apply Theme button, Then ALT+TAB to the Game and hit the F11 key

It's very important that while making changes you DO NOT click on any theme in the list, not even the One you are editing; if you do that, the stored settings of the clicked theme will be loaded and you will lose all unsaved changes.

When you Apply the changes, they will be stored in the Current Settings, and the Current Settings will be over-written every time you Apply a Theme.

Search Elements

On the Main bar you will see a Search Box that you can use to search any element.

The search acept partial names, so you can easily find any element you want.

Can also Search Theme names and Theme Authors.

How To

Create your Own Theme

Select a Base Theme

You can use any theme as base for your own, simply select it in the list and start making changes.

There are 2 special themes to help you out:

  • The Elite Default - ORANGE theme, who as you can imagine has all Settings on default values, so its the equivalent to an unmoded Game.
  • The @XML - Color Import theme, has all Settings set to use XML, use this if you want to import old XML color configurations.

Select any theme and Apply it, then you can click and use the Current Settings and start making your own changes.

Save Theme

Turning your Current Settings into a Theme is always a good idea to avoid loosing your data on any new FDev Update, they like to wipe everything in the Game folder from time to time. Themes are saved in your My Documents folder where noone but you will touch them.

So, if you already have your Settings in the way you want, its time to Save them as a theme. Click on the Make New Theme button, give it a name and set your Author Name.

CAUTION: If you use the Name of an Existing theme, that theme will be Overwritten.

Your recently created theme will be the only one in the list without a Thumbnail image.

Thumbnail Maker Tool

Right Click on your theme and select Create Thumbnail Image a new window will show up.

  • Copy an Screenshot of your Game
  • Paste the Screenshot in the Thumbnail Maker Tool
  • Resize the Window to Zoom In-Out
  • Move the Rectangular Delimitador to best cover your HUD.
  • Click the Process and Save button.

The Image will be called PREVIEW.jpg, You can NOT change this name.

The Image will be saved in the Folder where your Theme is located.

Export Theme

You can Export any Selected Theme to either Backup it or to Share it with the Comunity.

  • Select the Theme in the List.
  • Click the Export Theme button

You will be asked where to save it, and you will end with a ZIP file containing your exported theme.

If you want to share it, post it in our Discord Server at the #Sharing-Colors Channel.

You can Upload the ZIP in there and a full sized Screenshot of your colors.

How to get


EDHM has a great and friendly Community that together with our Moderators and Administrators will help you solve any problems you may have.

We invite you to Join our Discord and be part of the EDHM Community.

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